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Discover why
The in-store Retail Experience is becoming increasingly important as more customers are forced to shop online. When they visit the physical stores, the brand experience should be a memorable one.
As an expert in the retail field, you understand better than anyone how important customer service is and how it is influenced to a large extent by the experience and perception of your brand. From the layout, presentation and interior to the music and lighting. All these facets must match your brand and the atmosphere you wish to create. Imagine being able to stimulate all five senses of the consumer and leave an impression that will last long after the visit.
Using fragrance connects your brand with your customers on an emotional level, which increases brand loyalty. Scent offers more sales because scent instinctively helps customers make decisions. Since smell is linked to memory, customers will remember the pleasant experience for a long time and will come back. This is now possible thanks to the application of ‘branded’ scent marketing.
Consumers experience many positive feelings as a result of inhaling a pleasant aroma.
Scent Marketing Research has shown that consumers rate perfumed products as being of higher quality.
Consumers are eager to buy and willing to pay more in a fragrant environment.
Scent drives more sales because scent instinctively helps customers make decisions.
Since scent is linked to memory, customers will remember the pleasant experience for a long time and will come back.
Scent is a new and unique marketing idea for stores to help them stand out from the crowd!